What is the dominant musical style of today and what will be the dominant musical style of tomorrow? David Gompper

What is the dominant musical style of today and what will be the dominant musical style of tomorrow? David Gompper

David Gompper When you ask about the dominant musical style of today, I think it depends upon whom you ask. My music students might name the latest pop group, probably a mixture of rap and rave but never the corporate-owned boy-bands. If I narrowed the question and steered it toward contemporary art music, they might… Read more »

Written By

NewMusicBox Staff

David Gompper
David Gompper

When you ask about the dominant musical style of today, I think it depends upon whom you ask. My music students might name the latest pop group, probably a mixture of rap and rave but never the corporate-owned boy-bands. If I narrowed the question and steered it toward contemporary art music, they might answer neo-romantic. My generation (the 40-somethings) would add eclecticism, although I see a smoothing, a more subtle approach to this post-moderism collage style (like comparing stereo records from the 60s to those produced now).

In terms of future styles, this is what I yearn from young composers-exploration of timbre driven by the melodic; consideration of silence advanced by rhythm; balancing music intended for the mind and heart, yet approved only by a well-honed ear.