The Friday Informer: You Don't Say?

The Friday Informer: You Don’t Say?

There’s a a new music betting pool for that?

Written By

Molly Sheridan

Movie of the Week:

The Accidental Microtonalists [Hat tip to Dial “M”.]

If you’ve done your new music homework and finally finished the book and the article (and blogged yr reaction), here are some more words for you. After this, you’ll probably also have the vocab needed for this game. If not, keep studying. We’re certainly not going anywhere, but speaking of the whole “dead/not dead” thing, maybe it’s time to stop talking and hire a professional. Meanwhile, the indie rockers ended their brouhaha with an mp3. What a…musically civilized way to have a musical discussion.

Not that everyone’s been behaving themselves. Glam-rockers are writing orchestral music in Staten Island, thieves are stealing Nono CDs in Vienna, furniture makers are turning pianos into coffee tables, and philistines are suggesting that there is not enough room for dancing in our concert halls—and he means for the toe-tapping audience! The next thing you know, our fine arts institutions will be programming the music of fifth graders. Maybe we argued this whole “we’re dying!” thing a little too forcefully when the “Greenberg” on the program starts to seem like the standard rep.

Speaking of the old guard, Philip Glass is a genius, so why didn’t he get a birthday party? If he were not a genius, but instead your pet cat, what would his name be? If the boyfriend is a Glass fan, the ADD girlfriend should just be thankful that he’s not really old school. But if it’s more of an aesthetic thing between you, get him a t-shirt.

There’s a new music betting pool for that? Interesting indication that there are composers out there who actually want to hear more from critics. Discuss.